
X Cracovia Maraton

Leírás The event is held under the patronage of the Mayor of the City of Krakow.

2. The organiser of X Cracovia Maraton is the Krakow City Commune, the Sport Infrastructure Administration in Krakow.
3. The Sport Patron of Cracovia Maraton is Robert Korzeniowski.


1. X Cracovia Maraton will take place on 17April 2011.
2. The participants will start the marathon from Aleja 3 Maja, Blonie (Krakow) at 9.30
3. The finish line of the marathon will be located at Aleja 3 Maja, Blonie.
4. The length of the marathon route: 42,195 km. The route has the licence of AIMS and PZLA.
5. At the start of the marathon, participants will position themselves in the following order:
a. participants in wheelchairs
b. participants with starting numbers from 1 to 50, followed by other participants - from the start line in the pedestrian zone.

6. All kilometres along the route will be marked from 1 to 42.
7. Catering points will be located at kilometres 5.1, 10.2, 15.5, 18.5, 24.7, 27.8, 33.3, 37,2 and 40.7. Cups with non-carbonated mineral water will be placed on the first table, cups with isotonic drink will be placed on the second table, and bananas will be placed on the third table. Tables will be placed every 10 metres.

Attention! The organiser will not accept private dietary supplements of participants.
8. Refreshing points will be located at kilometres 7.5, 13.1, 22.2 and 30.2 and will be provided with sponges and dishes with clean water.
9. Medical points will be located 100 metres behind each catering point and will be handled by medical rescuers. Behind medical points there will be toilet cubicles.


1. Participants of X Cracovia Maraton must be at least 18 years old on 17 April 2011.

2. In order to take part in X Cracovia Maraton, each participant must register by 16 April 2011, 21.00

3. During registration, participants are obliged to provide the statement that they are aware of dangers that may appear in connection with participation in X Cracovia Maraton and that they are healthy enough to participate in this race. In the case of any doubts as to his/her health and the related possibility of participation in the marathon, the participant should consult a doctor on his own before the start.

4. In X Cracovia Maraton, time will be measured and the order will be determined by means of an electronic time measuring system. During verification, each participant will receive a starting number with a chip. In order to participate in the marathon and be classified in the final message of the competition, each participant must have his/her starting number with a chip and have it fastened properly.

5. In order to be classified, each participant must cover the entire approved route of the marathon and finish the race within the statutory time of 5 hours and 30 minutes. Any participants who will use shortcuts will be disqualified. Any participants who will not finish the race by 15:00 are obliged to stop running and may arrive at the finishing line with a vehicle marked "Koniec Maratonu" (End of Marathon).

All persons who will remain on the route after this time will bear their own responsibility pursuant to applicable road traffic laws and provisions of the Civil Code.

6. During the race, participants should comply with instructions of persons responsible for safety, security personnel and persons acting on behalf of the organiser.
7. The use of any vehicles on the marathon route is prohibited, excluding vehicles used by disabled participants in wheelchairs and the organiser's vehicles.
8. The dressing room and the clothes safekeeping point will be located in the area of the finishing line and will be used for depositing personal belongings of participants packed into bags (supplied by the organiser during the verification). The dressing room and the safekeeping point will be open on 17April from 7:00 till 16:00. Deposited bags will be issued against presentation of the starting number. If the participant loses his/her starting number, the organiser will be released from responsibility for the collection of the bag by another person.
9. Participants agree to the processing of their personal data for internal needs of the organiser and the use of their image in information and advertising materials.
10. Persons being under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs may not participate in the marathon.
11. The organiser does not provide accident insurance to participants.
12. If any participant transfers his/her starting number to another person, he/she will be disqualified.
13. Participants who were disqualified in other race events may not participate in Cracovia Maraton until the expiry of the disqualification period.


1. Registrations of participation in X Cracovia Maraton can be made:
a. on the website of Cracovia Maraton till 14 April 2011, 12.00
b. in the Competition Office on 15 and 16 April

2. Verification of participants, issuing of runner's kits with starting numbers and additional registrations will take place in the Competition Office.
Runner's kits should be collected personally. Kits will be released against presentation of the identity card or passport together with a receipt for payment of the starting fee (the receipt should be presented by unverified participants).

3. The Competition Office will be located in the Marathon Area in Blonie (Krakow) at Al. 3 Maja. It will be open on the following days:

15.04.2011 from 12:00 till 20:00

16.04.2011 from 10:00 till 21:00

17.04.2011 from 06:00 till 08:00

4. Registration is understood as the submission of the properly filled application form and the signed statement and payment of the starting fee (excluding persons exempt from the starting fee). The Organiser is not responsible for any loss of registration documents.

5. Depending on the date of payment, the starting fee is*:

80 PLN - by 14 April 2011

120 PLN - by 15-16 April 2011

*Refers to Polish citizens, foreigners residing permanently or temporarily in

6. Depending on the date of payment, the starting fee is**:

30 EUR - by 14 April 2011

40 EUR - by 15-16 April 2011

**Refers to male and female participants from other countries.


8. The starting fee should be paid:
a. to the bank account by 12 April 2011;
b. in the Competition Office from 15-16 April 2011.

9. Bank account number for payments in PLN and in EUR

BANK PeKaO S.A. o/Krakow PL19 12 40 4432 1111 0010 2296 0013


10. Once paid, the fee is not returnable in any case.

11. The following persons are exempt from the starting fee:
- soldiers
- disabled persons in wheelchairs
- participants who are at least 60 years' old on the day of the marathon
- persons invited by the Marathon Director
- participants who finished Cracovia Marathon's I-IX

12. The Director of X Cracovia Maraton is entitled to exempt a participant from the starting fee at the participant's written request.

13. Upon payment of the entrance fee, each participant receives a runner's kit consisting of:
- starting number
- T-shirt
- bulletin (souvenir)
- clothes bag
- information materials

- participation in Pasta Party
- free accommodation in the sports hall
- drinks and snacks at the finishing line
- free transport by municipal buses and trams on the day of the event on the basis of the starting number


1. The following classification will be kept in Cracovia Maraton:
a. General Classification of Women and Men
b. In age categories of Women and Men:

W 18-29 M 18-29

W 30-39 M 30-39

W 40-49 M 40-49

W 50-59 M 50-59

W 60-69 M -60-69

W 70 and older M 70 and older

c. Open classification of disabled participants in Women and Men categories in the following types of wheelchairs:




d. Blind persons with a guide (a guide can use a bicycle)

e. Visually impaired persons participating on their own

A valid document confirming visual impairment, e.g. an identity card issued by the Polish Association of the Blind, must be presented.


1. Each participant who will finish the race within the statutory time-limit will receive a medal as a souvenir.

2. Awards funded by sponsors of the marathon in the general classification of women and men:


3. Financial awards in age categories for women and men for:


4. Male (female) participants who will receive awards in the general classification, receive awards in their age category too.

5. Awards and bonuses can be received only by participants who will finish the race and passed anti-doping tests. Financial awards will be subject to income tax deduction in accordance with applicable laws.

6. Additionally:

a) Cups funded by the City of Krakow will be received by:

- winners of the first three places in the general classification of women and men

- the oldest female and male participant finishing the race

- winners of the first three places among disabled persons in all categories

b) Statuettes funded by the City of Krakow will be received by:

- winners of individual age categories in the marathon.

7. The value of awards in categories for disabled persons funded by sponsors of the marathon in the general classification of women and men*; however, the organiser reserves the right to grant awards in this category to participants ranked below the 3rd place.

a. Hand Bike

b. Rim Push

c. Active Wheelchair

d. Blind persons with a guide:

e. Visually impaired persons participating on their own:

8. In order for the classification to be valid, minimum 3 persons from each category must participate in the competition.


1. In return for the starting fee, the Organiser ensures accommodation in the sports hall of the T.S. "Wisla" club at ul. Reymonta 22 in Krakow. Participants should bring their own sleeping mats and sleeping bags. The place of accommodation will contain showers.
2. Participants will be admitted for accommodation from 18:00 till 22:00 on 16 April. Participants who will arrive at the sports hall on the night preceding the race will be provided with accommodation depending on the number of available places.
3. On 16 April, from 18:00 till 21:00, a "pasta party" will be held in the Marathon Area in Blonie, in which every verified participant of the marathon can participate.
4. As in previous years, the Organiser attempts to obtain discounts for transport services of Polish Railways and the Municipal Transport Company. Information about the obtaining of permissions will be published on the website.


1. Costs of organisation of X Cracovia Maraton are covered by: the Krakow City Commune, Sponsors and Partners.
2. Starting fee and travel costs as well as other costs will be covered by participants in the form of group or individual payments.


1. Participants of X Cracovia Maraton are obliged to comply with provisions of PZLA (Polish Athletic Federation), IAAF and these Rules.
2. During the race, starting numbers assigned to participants by the organiser should be pinned in front to their competition shirts. Hiding the starting number in part or as a whole is unacceptable and may result in disqualification of the participant.
3. The organiser does not provide any wheelchairs or equipment needed by disabled participants as well as technical support for participants in wheelchairs.
4. Written protests can be submitted to the Competition Office by 16:00 on the day of the competition.
5. The Director of X Cracovia Maraton reserves the right to introduce changes to these Rules, which he should notify to all participants before the beginning of the event.
6. The collection of the runner's kit is tantamount to the acceptance of the rules of the race.
Dátum Vas, Április 17, 2011
Idõ 09:30 CEST
Prioritás 5-Közepes
Hozzáférés Nyilvános
Létrehozta Futas Administrator
Frissítve Hét, Október 25, 2010 04:15 GMT
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